

Newborns: White Noise...hairdryers & fans

Do you know what white noise is? You know that annoying static that comes on the radio, or that sound you hate when your tv is snowy. Well that is one form of white noise. White noise is basically repetitive and monotone. Did you know that can help calm your baby and also help them sleep! I knew nothing about it until I was pregnant. I have a group that I talk to online, we were all pregnant at the same time and our babies were due at the end of August or early September and they were talking about white noise. So of course I had to look it up. I think it's something every new mom should know so I'm sharing the knowledge :-)

I haven't used static of the tv but one day my baby was upset and I just walked her in the bathroom with the fan running, not thinking much of it and she calmed right down. A lightbulb went off and I figured out that my baby loves the sound. When she is really upset and nothing else is working, I can turn the hairdryer on cool (so it doesn't get hot) and let it run and she absolutely loves it.  I don't know that I've seen a time it didn't stop her crying! When I went to get her newborn photos done, I realized my discovery was legit, because she had a hairdryer blowing to keep the babies calm and also warm!

Most new moms have the common misconception that babies love silence, this is not the case. They are use to a very loud environment in the womb!

Some examples of noise your baby might like
Running Water
Washing Machine
Hair Dryer
Air Purifier
Your Heartbeat
Sound Machines (Raining, Ocean Waves, etc)
Radio Static

We can't keep the hairdryer running forever but now in her room we do have a air purifier that makes a nice low roaring noise. I think it would help almost anyone sleep better, it's so relaxing! Plus it keeps the air clean and says it reduces germs. So it has some great added benefits! We borrowed it from his grandma just to see if it would help her sleep better at night.

TIP: Did you know that the womb is louder than a vacuum cleaner! So go ahead and vacuum...your baby will love it...well if they are a newborn they will/should! Newborns are not use to a quiet environment! I've heard if you don't let your baby get use to a silent environment then you won't have to act like your walking on eggshells through the house when they take naps as older infants! So keep that noise up!  :-)

Graph taken from Check this site out for more information on white noise and why babies love it!
Do you have any experience with white noise? What does your baby like or what helps calm them?


All About New Mom Guide

Love this article, great to get this knowledge, specifically i love the "examples of noise your baby might like" portion, definitely i will help me a lot.

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