

Baby Brag: Sleeping

Ahhh I'm so happy, Kaley finally slept a long time at night. I'm going to try the exact same routine tonight and see if she does the same thing. She slept from 10:30pm to 4:30am. And then went back to bed until 9:30am. I hope she keeps it up, but I already feel like it won't stick ha ha. Guess I could be a little more optimistic.

Taking a little snooze on the boppy pillow. I love when she sleeps like this!
It's so precious!

Our routine last night:
9pm - Bath and washed her hair. Dried hair. Put new diaper and clothes on
9:30pm - Began feeding her a 6oz bottle. She ate almost all 6oz!! Wow. My baby is growing. Change her diaper before completing the bottle. Finish bottle.
10:30pm - Down in bassinet to sleep.

Look at that Chubby little belly. This is a pic from her first bath.

Do you have any baby brags?



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