

A Sign Language Update!

I know it has been a while.. time flies by way too fast! Especially after you become a parent! I just wanted to give an update on Caedmon's sign language adventures. He will be 13 Months Old in just a couple of days and he has been learning sign language since he turned 4 Months Old. As of now he knows the following signs and uses them accurately to communicate what he wants/needs:

  • Milk
  • Eat
  • Please
  • All Done
  • More
  • Play
  • And we are currently learning Thank You
Research shows that babies who learn/use sign language from infancy will more than likely develop earlier speech and a better variety of vocabulary than infants who aren't taught this. It is also known to slow down "bad" behaviors during the toddler years because the child doesn't become frustrated as easily as a child who doesn't know how to communicate their needs.

I am so incredibly proud of how fast Caedmon picked up the sign language and how well he uses it. It is so hard to catch his signs via photo.. I do have a few pictures and I can explain which sign he is using, but if it's blurry it is from his little hands moving so fast.


Here has was asking for more chicken, as the only thing left on his tray was cheese and cheerios! This is his version of "more".. only because he hasn't quite grasped having both hands closed at the same time.

A few minutes later he signed "ALL DONE" to tell me that he was done eating and ready to wash up. To sign "ALL DONE" you move both of your hands back and forth.
Here, he was telling Mimi "ALL DONE" reading :)
In this video at the very end, you will see Caedmon get a little frustrated at first but then ask to "eat" with his sign.
We had lunch right after he signed this! And the pictures above were then taken during lunch time on this same day.
Have you ventured into teaching Sign Language to your baby? I would love to hear how that is going! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!