

Let's Do Research: Homemade Baby Food Part I

I really have been wanting to make my own baby food since I was pregnant. I didn't know that I would have time for it since I work full time but being that I'm now only going to be part time...I'm hoping to learn how to make homemade baby food. My baby girl is only 2 months old so I have a little while to research, learn how to, and experiement. I don't cook alot so hopefully it will be relatively easy! You can follow along if your a new mom and thinking about possibly making your own baby food and follow the whole journey from researching to actually putting it in action!

Randi is planning on doing a blog post on homemade baby food soon also! I can't wait to read what she has to say! Her baby is older than Kaley so she'll be making her own food before I am, so hopefully she have some great tips for me and other new moms!

This site has recipes categorized by age group. It also has a section called "techniques" and it includes links on equipment you need, preparation, cooking methods, pureeing, storing, freezing, traveling with homemade baby food, and foods you should avoid in their first year. Very informative site!
She writes a monthly baby food menu and shares the recipes for each. She sets it up so you cook the baby food once a month and it lasts the entire month hence "once a month mom"

This website by Dr Brown's has a chart that shows you when your baby is ready for solids and also the signs that your baby is ready for the next stages of solids. The website also has recipes and other information.

Tons of information on this site! There is also a printable chart on different foods and what age group they are ok for! ClickHere for chart. There is a quick start guide with instructions on how to begin making baby food, recipes, step by step instructions, and information galore. This is great website!
So there are some websites to get both me and you started on our way to making homemade baby food!
If you have any experience making your own baby food I'd love to hear from you! Any information, tips, or instructions would be great!

Part II Coming Soon...Exploring/Researching the Equipment Needed


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